
Qualified Physiotherapists to Care for You

In the early years after birth the physiotherapist together with the parent looks at the big developmental picture eg observing the developing child conquering gravity by moving against gravity. The physio will help the child get into a position that makes it easier for the child to raise itself up against gravity and successfully explore her/his environment, interact with it in a playful manner and learn. The physio will help identify barriers, assess if there are any, within the child whether it be in the areas of coordination, muscle strength, stamina and mobility. The physio, in cooperation with the parents/ cares, will offer activities that help the child overcome the identified barriers and work towards appropriate developmental goals, accessing the child’s full potential. At later life stages the physio might propose the use of equipment like walkers and standers as well as orthotics to assist the child with achieving gross motor developmental milestones like crawling, walking, jumping and running.

When appropriate the physio can assist with learning to ride a bicycle. Different environments can be explored to assist the child with it’s development including their own home, playground as well as the hydrotherapy pool. When the child reaches school age the physio can assist the educational team with advice re equipment use, advice on gross motor play inclusion and safety as well as play activities that promote gross motor development.

When including the whole of the human lifespan eg from the young child to the aged a physio will support the person involved with reaching functional goals that support quality of life. The main “therapist” who has the most influence on the child’s development or adult’s progression, is the person who is the closest and spends most of the time with the person eg parent, grandparent, teacher, spouse, carer. The physio `will provide input and support to the main carer and the person involved. Ideally a home program will be established which the main carer and the person involved can implement with regular review and adjustments following ongoing improvements.

If needed and available, the physio will work closely with other allied health professionals involved with the person.

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